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Awaken your

Feminine Power

A five week Somatic Immersion

to reclaim your Divinity

BEGINS March 20th 

It is Time...

to UNLOCK the hidden river of vitality within you

to CLARIFY the purpose of your Souls deepest desire

to CONNECT to your inner power and passion


Can you feel HER?

The deep somatic call of your inner feminine force and longing. Feminine energy is inherently magnetic, receptive and pleasure oriented, however, society has created limitations around expressing this energy through various means. When we are disconnected from this subtle, yet powerful energy in our own bodies, “samskaras,” or habits and outdated thought programs arise, creating fear, worry, anxiety and lack of life force.


Reclamation is a Sacred Somatic Journey through the energy centers, or Chakras in the body, designed to reveal, release and heal the energetic, physical and emotional blocks so that you can enter into the heart of the Goddess. The Goddess in her power and sovereignty is YOU.




The Somatic, or Soma as understood from the Ancient Vedic traditions is the Nectar of Immortality. When the bridge between spirit and matter, or mind and body is reconnected we can walk the path of liberation.  This liberation is RECLAMATION, a revolution, of you opening to the truth of your power, your worth and your beauty.


Reclamation is for you if...

     You are ready to be initiated into the rich magnetic power of the Holy Spirit, known as Shakti/Shekina/Love

    You want to embody your power and magnetic force in a safe and grounded way

You want to move beyond fear and anxiety

      You are an Empath or Intuitive wanting to harness your abilities and release blockages that get you emotionally stuck

       You are ready to open to the sacred mystery and magic of Tantric practice and wisdom


What you will receive

Five, 1.5-Hour Group Zoom meetings every Sunday 5:30 - 7:15pm EST. Includes discussion and somatic exploration of the Feminine Holy Spirit. 

Guided meditation, Group Energy Healing and Activation and Special Guest Teacher

Embodiment practices from several traditions including Ancestral Somatic Excercises, Ancient Tantric Practice and  Breathwork  

Weekly worksheets and journal exercises to help guide you on your journey

Begins on the Equinox, SUNDAY, March 20th

"Love is the bridge between you and everything"
~ Rumi

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