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A Bit About Me

Everybody has a story, and your visitors would love to hear yours. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are and what you have to offer at your next job. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know.

Use this space to talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to the workplace, and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery, or video for even more engagement.


Illuminate the path to your most radiant life

I offer several forms of support for women wanting to transform their life, step into their unique power and reawaken their sacred feminine energy. 

Are you ready for a shift and change in your life and need spiritual guidance and support?


I will hold space for you in a safe, sacred environment so that you can access and shed any wounds, traumas, addictions, or modes of thinking that are not supporting your joy, your power, and the full expression of your soul's unique purpose.


All sessions are individually tailored to meet your specific needs.

You will receive personal guidance, private guided meditations, exclusive energetic healing sessions, and exercises tailored to your specific needs. 

Intuitive Readings

Do you have a question, issue or problem that you want to have more clarity around?

I offer psychic/intuitive readings to assist you in illuminating ways to get "unstuck," and find movement forward. Readings are a blend of psychic reading, astrology and medical mediumship (where I "look into your body at your bio-energetic field).

All Sessions are 60 minutes and $111

ACTIVATE ~ Coaching Package

The Activate transformational coaching package includes five 1-hour Zoom sessions designed to help you move through change with love and, clarity so that you can activate your power, purpose and greatest alignment.

Five 1-hour sessions.  $444


RECLAMATION ~ Coaching Package

The Reclamation coaching package includes thirteen 1-hour Zoom sessions designed to support your transformation and rebirth into greater wisdom, self-authorization and love.

Thirteen 1-hour sessions. $1,111


This is an eight-week deep dive of liberating the sacred feminine energy of Shakti within you based on my signature course of Awakening Shakti. Using the template of the seven chakras in the body, I guide you to unlock the energy centers or kundalini in your mind, body, and life. 

Book a discovery call and learn if this is the right porgram for you.

Eight one-hour Zoom calls with weekly check-ins. $2,222


Want to learn more, or not sure where to begin?

Book a free discovery call where you can ask questions,  clarify your needs and find the best way to move forward for your unique journey! 
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